Unbelievable Jeff Trademark
Fans of @soccersaturday on @SkySports will instantly recognise the phrase “Unbelievable Jeff” from Sky Sports reporter Chris “Kammy” Kamara
And now the presenter/reporter has moved to take control of the phrase with a UK trademark application for ‘Unbelievable Jeff’ for a whole (and frankly very amusing) range of goods and services.
My only hope is that when this story is picked up I get a credit, and one of the Sky Sports Soccer Saturday presenters gives this Trademark Ninja a shout out on the show for bringing this wonderful event to the world’s attention!
Check out the range of “Unbelievable Jeff” Merchandise that could be coming down the line if the Unbelievable Jeff trademark is granted:
- Unbelievable Jeff Heat Adhesive Patches for decoration of textile items
- Unbelievable Jeff Pin Cushions
- Unbelievable Jeff Paper Table Clothes
- Unbelievable Jeff Printed Tour Guides
and lots more
AND, because you can’t mention Kammy without it, here’s the clip