
Salt Bae Trademark Application #SaltBae 

 January 23, 2017

By  Trademark Ninja


Salt Bae Trademark

If you’re not familiar with ‘Salt Bae’ yet, well done you on having the kind of life that means these internet sensations bypass your consciousness

For everyone else, Salt Bae is now the subject of a trademark application

Which raises all manner of legal issues!

So, I’d take this trademark application with (wait for it, wait for it) A PINCH OF SALT!!




Salt Bae Now Has A Trademark Application In His Honour, Which Raises ALL Sorts Of Legal Issues #SaltBae #Trademark
Salt Bae Now Has A Trademark Application In His Honour, Which Raises ALL Sorts Of Legal Issues #SaltBae #Trademark

Trademark Ninja

I'm A Ninja. You know, Ninja Stars, Ninja Nunchucks, all that sort of good stuff. I'm dispensing truth and justice Ninja Style.....in a very civilised and non-litigious kind of way. Unless you make the Ninja angry, then KARATE-CHOP! Fine, fine. I'm not a Ninja. I'm Brian Conroy, Trademark Agent and Solicitor in Dublin Ireland. Find me (in non Ninja form) at www.brianconroy.com

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