Power Rangers Trademarks
With 100% certainty you can guarantee that if you ask the movie company if there’s any significance in the fact that they have filed trademark applications for ‘Green Ranger’ and ‘White Ranger’ they will say something like “This is just a standard application that we have undertaken to protect our portfolio of intellectual property”. And it might be.
As against that, I think it’s reasonable to ask the question.
If the Green and/or White Ranger characters aren’t going to make an appearance at some point in the near future (they would have to appear within the next 5 years or the trademark will be liable for revocation) then why bother applying for it?
Heres the full list, and while I wasn’t a MASSIVE fan, I have to say I don’t know what ‘Putty Patrol’, ‘Alpha 5’ or ‘Angel Grove’ are: