GAA Trademark GRMA
Was it for this (etc etc.)
Look at it there, right underneath the crown:
Yes yes, I’m just stirring and being sensationalist, as is this Ninja’s wont, lighten up people, it’s just some trademarks! Again, for the avoidance of doubt, I’m NOT being serious.
Even the most ardent of GAA supporters, and I know a good few, must surely appreciate the slight note of irony of the GAA applying for trademarks in the UK for both GRMA and “Go Raibh Maith Agat” (which is obviously what GRMA stands for, in case you didn’t know and had to Google it…..like me)
Incidentally, this is nothing new, look at all the Trademarks they already own in the UK:
I, for one, am outraged.*
*I’m not