European Trademarks
It’s been a while since I could fine the time to do a proper trawl of the EUTM Trademark Register for recent applications. Here’s the list of applicants from the last update to 1 August 2016, and these are some of my favourites:
Firstly, I’m not sure what half the things this has been registered for even are, seriously, Sexy Elephant:
Revlon are advising you to change your deodorant, not your outfit. Solid advice:
Andrew Lloyd Webber and the lads have re-registered The Phantom of the Opera
Monster Energy are really upping their game with Monster Energy Extra Strength Nitrous Technology – SOLD to the man with the overly complicated and technicaly sciency sounding name:
Microsoft have registered their relatively new app ‘Sprightly’ as an EUTM
Huawei have registered ‘Clearzoom’ as an EUTM
And in what is becoming a bit of a trend, Durex have applied for an EUTM for their packaging, with nothing else on it, like so:
If you know which each one is, you’re a better man than I.
Here’s a list of all the recent applications: