Trademark EU
Here’s some of the standout Trademark Filings from the Trademark Applications lodged yesterday (06 July 2016) with the EU Trademark Office
First of all, Georgio Armani was a busy boy yesterday! Look at all the Armani Trademark Applications lodged
I love the fact that ‘Pro Game Team’ is a thing. If they had this when I was at the height of my sensible soccer powers who knows where I may be today
There’s almost certainly going to be a big scrap about this. Bifidus is a very contentious ‘idus’ as things go!
Just because I say it quite a lot, I’m amused to see ‘Boom’ being applied for. The classes of goods and services include vitamins, supplements and energy drinks and so on!
Look at this friendly fella! What could possibly go wrong with a little help from Mr DIY!
Here’s the rest of the 357 EU Trademark Applications filed yesterday: