Sooooo, yesterday Irish Trade Mark Agents FR Kelly filed an application for ‘Phantom’ in the classes for radio and television broadcasting.
The same firm registered ‘Phantom’ as an Irish Trade Mark back in 2004 for Wireless Media Limited, the company behind the application for Phantom FM in the license application back at that stage registered the Trade Mark ‘Phantom’ in Ireland in 2004, and the address for service of notices relating to the Trade Mark was changed to FR Kelly in 2011*
Could Phantom FM be returning is some shape or form now that the original has re-branded as TXFM?
The Irish registration for Phantom was renewed in 2014, but Wireless Media Limited, who initially registered it in 2004 was dissolved in 2012.
So who now owns the Irish registration, who is applying for the Europe Wide Trade Mark, and more importantly, why??