Another day, another load of busy beavers in Europe accepting Trade Mark Filings and applications. Let’s start with something close to home, as this was an Irish application for phone repair service ‘Smashlab’ – I just like seeing Irish companies applying at the European level:
This is an application from ‘King.com’ the crowd that brought you Candy Crush Saga. Could ‘Juicy Smash’ be their next big game…..that is exactly like Candy Crush Saga?
While we’re at it, they also registered ‘shuffle cat cards’ yesterday. What that is, god only knows!
Until they pay their cash, we wont know who is behind this application, but it’s for jewelry and beauty products and it HAS to be Irish doesn’t it? Sure aren’t you only ba-leeedin Gorjuss!!!
I’ve done a quick ‘Google’ and apparently this was a ‘thing’ during the summer. I’m afraid to say Pepsi, that I completely missed it…
As logos go, this fairly much sets out your stall doesn’t it? Applied for the the music/record label Class
If I’m right about what this application is trying to achieve, and I could very well not be, then I love it and think Axel is a bit of a legend. The application is for Football related stuff you see. But it’s not Liverpool. Nice.
Speaking of football, The Saints have applied to have their Trade Mark applied to all sorts of wonderful products and classes.
If there’s one thing I think we can all agree we hate about knitting, it’s the loud clicking of those needles. Well, problem solved thanks to…
I’m not sure what it is, some sort of Finance Software I gather, but KPMG at in the market to launch KPMG Pilot and KMPG Navigator it seems. Sexy accounting.
No idea what this is, but something about it made me laugh, so I include it here in case it makes you laugh similarly.
Nice to see Nama branching out. I’ve always said the big money was in Soy Sauce.
Sure what would Ibiza be without an Irish Bar…..registered by Sabastian Cap Bitter, the well known Irish lad from Ballyhaunis!