I’ve become obsessed with checking the Trade Marks Register for the OHIM to see what applications have been filed for European Trade Marks. There is ALWAYS good stuff in there, and today was a particularly good day. These are the pick of the Trade Mark Applications for 30 September and 01 October 2015:
Watch out Smirnoff and Absolut, beacuse there’s a new kid on the block! Yes, this Trade Mark Application was just filed, for ‘Derek Zoolander Blue Steel Vodka’. I kid you not – Click below to see the application:
In another interesting case, someone yesterday applied for a Trade Mark for the word/named ‘Shakira’ – The application is in French, but according to Google Translate, it’s for:
Establishment of horoscopes ; Clairvoyance services; Remote clairvoyance services; Providing information related to the fortune-telling ; Provision of astrological information ; Providing information on the internet about astrology and horoscopes ; Horoscope predictions services; Predictions services in the form of divination sessions; Astrological predictions ; Advisory services relating to all the aforesaid services provided online from the Internet
Does this look like a different/new Heineken Bottle to you? Because Heineken just applied for this Trade Mark, and it looks like a new Heineken bottle to me:
If your name is Michaela, you’ll have to change your name* because it has just been Trade Marked:
*You wont have to change your name!
Surf Summit Ireland is coming!
If you’ve ever dreamt of becoming a rockstar photographer, well this is perfect for you:
Centrum look like they might have a new product coming soon, mint flavoured multi-vitamins. Well that’s my guess anyway, VitaMINTS
Starbucks, starbucks everywhere:
Those Buggy Boards for kids to stand on behind their buggies:
I’m including this for two reasons, firstly it brings me back to my Atari 2600, when almost all the games were made by Activision, and secondly because the application was filed by the Irish arm of the company
Jog On! This could be coming soon to a T-Shirt near you, Jog On London!
Again, good to see an Irish firm going to Europe wide protection – Keelings – Our Passion Delivers Farm Fresh
And finally, a great name for Cat treats, Catisfactions!
On Monday, I’l have all the weekend’s action!
God speed, and have a good weekend