The internet is awash with articles and opinion pieces about the Data Protection furore and the potential demise of the Safe Harbour, leaving very little else knocking around in the Interesting IP world. These there are still worth a read though:
- Donald Trump sent a cease and desist letter to a clothing company for infringing his Trade Mark in his name – http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/donald-trump-lawsuit-shirts_5602b000e4b0fde8b0d085c6
- Yesterday I told you you could sing Happy Birthday to your heart’s content, but this guy says perhaps not (if you’re in the UK at least anyway) – http://www.lawgazette.co.uk/law/unhappy-returns-of-the-day-for-copyright-claim/5051162.article
- Who owns the intellectual property in Yosemite National Park? http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Who-owns-Yosemite-Spurned-park-concessionaire-6527884.php
I’ve also trawled through all 364 Pages of this weeks Trade Mark Jounral in the UK to bring you the pick of the Trade Mark Crop, and I’ll post that and the Irish Patents Office Journal’s best bits over the weekend.
Have a good one you crazy kids