
Can Amazon.com’s Search Results Constitute Trademark Infringement?  

 September 9, 2015

By  Trademark Ninja


This is is a really interesting case (and article) on Trade Mark infringement in search results. It’s cropping up a lot more recently in litigation and is going to continue to do so I think. Link to the full Article below:


Multi Time Machine, Inc. v. Amazon.com, Inc.

Holding that a reasonable jury could find that online retailer created a likelihood of consumer confusion through the format of its product search returns, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit reversed the district court’s grant of summary judgment in a trademark infringement action filed by a watch company that did not authorize distribution via the online retailor. Multi Time Machine, Inc. v. Amazon.com, Inc. Case No. 13-55575 (9th Cir., July 6, 2015) (Bea, J.) (Silverman, J., dissenting).

Read the full article here: Do Amazon.com’s Search Results Constitute Trademark Infringement? – Intellectual Property – United States

Trademark Ninja

I'm A Ninja. You know, Ninja Stars, Ninja Nunchucks, all that sort of good stuff. I'm dispensing truth and justice Ninja Style.....in a very civilised and non-litigious kind of way. Unless you make the Ninja angry, then KARATE-CHOP! Fine, fine. I'm not a Ninja. I'm Brian Conroy, Trademark Agent and Solicitor in Dublin Ireland. Find me (in non Ninja form) at www.brianconroy.com

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