Conor McGregor Trademarks MacLifeFast
If you are a regular reader of the blog (and who isn’t, right?!) you will have followed the sequence of events surrounding Conor McGregor and his trademark situation
It started with me giving out that he had none, and suggesting he get some.
Then Conor McGregor applying for Conor McGregor Trademarks which lead to some press coverage
The someone else applying for Conor McGregor Trademarks in the UK
Then that same person applying forConor McGregor Trademarks in the EU
So, now you’re up to speed, or you were until yesterday…
Sadly, unlike in many American Courtroom Dramas people jumping and going ‘Objection Your Honour’ isn’t really the norm over this side of the pond, and especially when it comes to trademark applications. Far more dull, you object by filing an online objection in written form.
And Conor McGregor has.
Here’s the reasons he’s objecting in all their legal glory:
The Trade Mark applied for, CONOR McGREGOR THE NOTORIOUS, the subject of EU Trade
Mark Application No. 015691256 offends against Article 8(1)(b) of the EU Trade Mark Regulation in
that it is similar to the Opponent’s earlier Trade Marks within the meaning of Article 8(2)(a) and
given the identity/similarity of the said goods and services covered by the Application, there exists a
likelihood of confusion, which includes the likelihood of association, on the part of the public in the
territory in which the Opponent’s Trade Mark is protected by virtue of Irish Trade Mark Application
No. 2016/01428 and No. 2016/01429.The Opponent has, by virtue of their use of the Trade Mark CONOR McGREGOR and the Trade
Mark THE NOTORIOUS, built up a substantial reputation such that use of the Trade Mark applied
for by the Applicant would without due cause of the Trade Mark applied for take unfair advantage
of, or be detrimental to, the distinctive character or the repute of the earlier Trade Marks of the
Opponent. The Application of the Applicant therefore offends against Article 8(5) of the EU Trade
Mark Regulation.The Opponent reserves the right to provide further detailed explanation of grounds, including
supporting documentation and evidence, at a later date and once the adversarial stage of the
Opposition commences.
In very short summary, in non-legalese this translates to “This punter has no f**king right to try and freeload off Conor McGregor’s name, has no connection with it, and can’t use it to confuse people into thinking anything they release has anything to do with McGregor, and it’s also taking advantage of his name and reputation when they have no entitlement to”, which is exactly what I said would happen. You can read the full objection below.
Also, along with his previous Irish trademark applications for:
- Conor McGregor
- The Mac Life
- The Notorious
only one of which ‘The Mac Life’ has been accepted so far (and which could yet face an objection from ‘Mac’ the cosmetics line, in my opinion) by the way…
You can now add a new Trademark Application for ‘MacLifeFast’
That application was filed last week on 28 October 2016, and hasn’t yet been accepted by the Irish Patents Office (which is why it wont show up in international searches, to answer the journalists questions before they ask)