
Death Trooper Registered as Trademark by LucasFilm 

 June 28, 2016

By  Trademark Ninja


Death Trooper Trademark

So, I wouldn’t be the biggest Star Wars super nerd in history it has to be said, but pretty much anything to do with Star Wars seems to be pretty big news.

Back in February, Lucas Film registered ‘Shadow Trooper’ as a trademark and the internet went into a bit of a meltdown about whether this meant they were going to feature in the new movie or not.

Well MELT internet, melt right down, because yesterday, Lucasfilm registered ‘Death Trooper’ as a Trademark across the whole of the EU. You can almost bet they did likewise in the US, but the US database takes longer to update than the EU one. I’ll update this post when the US databases are live.

Look at it there:

death trooper trademark application

The only Trademark for it in the whole wide world:

Death Trooper 2

So, what’s a Death Trooper anyway??

Star Wars Death Trooper Trademark

So, go on then, share the news far and wide, Death Troopers are coming – Please credit me if you’re sharing in this galaxy @brianconroylaw




Trademark Ninja

I'm A Ninja. You know, Ninja Stars, Ninja Nunchucks, all that sort of good stuff. I'm dispensing truth and justice Ninja Style.....in a very civilised and non-litigious kind of way. Unless you make the Ninja angry, then KARATE-CHOP! Fine, fine. I'm not a Ninja. I'm Brian Conroy, Trademark Agent and Solicitor in Dublin Ireland. Find me (in non Ninja form) at www.brianconroy.com

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