WWE Talking Smack Trademark Application
You have to admire the WWE, they run a tight ship!
The day they announce their new show ‘Talking Smack’ they also file their trademark applications for protection of the phrased across a range of goods and services:
That was filed yesterday, then within hours, they made the announcement that the show was going to premier on their exclusive network after last night’s smackdown.
If they had waited another day, I would have broken the story this morning. But nope, they were on it like a car bonnet.
The EU Trademark Register is the most promptly updated on the global systems, so as of this moment, the EU Trademark Application is the only one showing up, but I think you could safely assume a US one at least was also registered.
It’s a BIT interesting that they have registered “WWE Talking Smack” rather than just “Talking Smack” (though they might struggled to get that registered as it’s arguably a generic term) and also that they haven’t applied to register the logo, just the words.
Here’s the Goods and Services the trademark has been applied for:
and you can see the full application here