
Jay Z, Janet Jackson and The Tartan Army – Today’s Interesting IP 

 October 23, 2015

By  Trademark Ninja


Jay Z didn’t infringe copyright with Big Pimpin’ –http://www.theguardian.com/music/2015/oct/21/jay-z-wins-copyright-infringement-case-big-pimpin-sample

Janet Jackson effectively has a load of instagram accounts shut down because of photos and videos of her concerts featured on them! https://www.sundayworld.com/entertainment/music/janet-jackson-apologises-to-fans-over-instagram-block

We’re the Tartan Army…….no, WE are the Tartan Army – There’s a big scrap over who can use the Trade Mark ‘Tartan Army’ – http://www.scotsman.com/sport/football/latest/tartan-army-name-battle-reaches-court-of-session-1-3925123#axzz3pORPs516

Cyprus fails to register Halloumi Cheese as a Trade Mark – http://ipkitten.blogspot.ie/2015/10/peace-of-cheese-halloumi-trade-mark.html

Amazon dodges a bullet watch – They were in hot water over Trade Mark infringement for ads for infringing products ya see – http://uk.reuters.com/article/2015/10/21/us-amazon-com-trademark-idUKKCN0SF2D620151021

Bentley (the lads who make cars) are having a fight with Bentley (lads who make clothes) – http://www.drapersonline.com/news/bentley-clothing-brand-faces-trademark-battle/5080509.article#.VionPn6rSUk

Google wont take down full sites from their listings – http://techcrunch.com/2015/10/22/google-search-no-to-whole-site/

Pandora settles with the music labels – https://uk.news.yahoo.com/pandora-settles-music-labels-old-221249495.html

Trademark Ninja

I'm A Ninja. You know, Ninja Stars, Ninja Nunchucks, all that sort of good stuff. I'm dispensing truth and justice Ninja Style.....in a very civilised and non-litigious kind of way. Unless you make the Ninja angry, then KARATE-CHOP! Fine, fine. I'm not a Ninja. I'm Brian Conroy, Trademark Agent and Solicitor in Dublin Ireland. Find me (in non Ninja form) at www.brianconroy.com

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