After the ECJ judgment 2 weeks ago, the Irish Facebook Safe Harbour case was back in the High Court this morning – http://www.rte.ie/news/2015/1020/736068-data-court/
Speaking of Facebook, it is going to warn you if your account has been hacked by a government, which was nice.
Another Irish Water Woopsy Doodle – http://www.independent.ie/irish-news/water/irish-water-crisis/new-training-for-irish-water-staff-after-data-breach-34123711.html
Saab us coming back from the dead as Turkey’s National Car. Sorry, what now?http://www.autoblog.com/2015/10/19/turkey-buys-saab-93-for-national-car/
Tesco Now – What could this Trade Mark Application mean? http://www.cityam.com/226826/tesco-now-trademarked-is-one-hour-delivery-on-its-way
Peer to Peer Filesharing and Copyright Law – http://www.doc4net.com/doc/2329053601373