
Google, Alphabet, Whatever – Trade Mark Application filed today 

 October 6, 2015

By  Trademark Ninja


I’m always on about the importance of registering Trade Marks and checking your brand well in advance of investing serious money about it! Google, sorry, sorry, Alphabet have already made a bit of a dogs dinner of their corporate rebrand because BMW owns alphabet.com and have raised the possibility of Trade Mark claims, and now I spot that Alphabet only today filed an application to register their Trade Mark in the holding company class.

Tut tut Google…..sorry, Alphabet, sort yourselves out


Trademark Ninja

I'm A Ninja. You know, Ninja Stars, Ninja Nunchucks, all that sort of good stuff. I'm dispensing truth and justice Ninja Style.....in a very civilised and non-litigious kind of way. Unless you make the Ninja angry, then KARATE-CHOP! Fine, fine. I'm not a Ninja. I'm Brian Conroy, Trademark Agent and Solicitor in Dublin Ireland. Find me (in non Ninja form) at www.brianconroy.com

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