Someone asked me recently how long it took to do one of these posts. I had no idea, but I can confirm that if you leave the OHIM Patents Register for a week, there’s over 20 pages and 2,000 Applications, so it takes about an hour and a half. I wont be making that mistake again in a hurry! Anyway, here’s the pick of the last week’s Trade Mark Applications:
Someone tell me where I can get tickets to this must see exhibition will ye?
Facebook have applied for these two marks relating to Facebook Messenger:
Disney have applied for ‘Magic At Your Fingertips:
Fossil the watch company are moving into the ‘Smart Watch’ sector it was reported this week, and now they have the Trade Mark Application to prove it
David Beckham wants protection for his latest smell!
The American TV Show ‘Somebody’s Gotta Do It’ is coming to a TV near you (in Europe) soon
I’m not sure what it is, but Hollister obviously have some new brand coming called ‘Hollister California Wave’
This seems very bizarrre, but Apple have applied for a Trade Mark for iCloud – They already have several iCloud Trade Marks, but this extends their protection to further products & services
A genuis play on words – Dressed to Kill, Dressed to Kale – Get it? Sure you do!
There’s been a lot of chat in recent years about Trade Marking colours! Cadbury tried it with their purple. And there’s Ferarri Red obviously, but what about Glaxo Smithcline Purple?
Or who thinks this is their favourite colour? Because you might not be able to use it any more!
The company behind the Hunger Games have applied for protection in weird classes like household products and bleach and stuff:
Man City have applied to extend the protection of their Logo to a whole host of ‘non football’ goods and services
Linkedin have something called ‘ProFinder’ on the horizon it seems:
Adidas have applied for protection for things like heartrate monitors and wearables:
The classic fashion statement, T-Shirt and Jeans
Motorcyling legend Valentino Rossi has applied to register the mark ‘Riders Academy’
I’d love to know what James and the lads will think of this – LG have applied for Metalica (only one ‘L’) for phones
They’ve actually been on a bit of a filing buzz, spending over €60,000 in the last 7 days registering Trade Marks. Who doesn’t want to know what ‘Speaker Milk’ is? You can check out all 66 Applications from the last 7 days only HERE
You’ve got Mad Skillz Bruh
I just can’t imagine that Red Bull are going to be mad about this application – Red Bulloon
Another play on words now – SEDUCE – C’Juice – Very clever
Anybody heading to Tenerife soon? I think I’ve found just the activity for you!