Another day another dollop of delectable IP goodness, it’s today’s Interesting IP:
- A man who claims he invented GI Joe is suing Hasbro to get the rights to the figure back – http://www.thewrap.com/g-i-joe-inventor-sues-to-break-hasbros-kung-fu-grip-on-toys-copyright/
- Rockstar Games were NOT happy with the BBC Film based on their game Grand Theft Auto and the company – The filed Trade Mark proceedings previously ya know – http://www.independent.ie/business/technology/rockstar-games-labels-bbcs-gta-drama-made-up-bs-31531302.html
- The UK is the world’s most innovative country apparently. Oh, what, it’s not? Well that’s a bit of a misleading headline then isn’t it? – http://minutehack.com/news/uk-is-worlds-second-most-innovative-country
- I posted about ‘Happy Birthday’ a few days back, but it appears a new appeal might have legs in a class action suit – Interesting – http://www.mondaq.com/unitedstates/x/427586/Copyright/The+Happy+Birthday+Song+How+Old+Are+You+Now
- There’s LOADS of stuff on the Nestle v. Cabury KitKat case I posted about yesterday, but here’s one article with some quotes from an IP Lawyer saying Nestle will likely fight on – http://www.just-food.com/news/nestle-likely-to-continue-kitkat-tm-fight_id131129.aspx
More tomorrow at lunchtime kids!